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Retirement: Worried About Your Retirement?

If the upheaval of 2020 has you concerned about your retirement, you’re not alone. A recent survey revealed that a full 70% of people in the 50+ age group are more worried now.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents said they plan to work longer than they originally hoped. But the harsh reality is they hope to work longer than they planned.

Older employees have already been the most negatively impacted by coronavirus layoffs. And historically when members of this demographic lose their jobs prematurely, only one in ten ever earns as much again.

Whether you know you haven’t saved enough or worry that you’ll outlive your nest egg, there’s an overlooked and under-reported strategy that allows you to retire sooner rather than later.

With the money you have.

And at the same time preserve, or even grow, your nest egg.

We break it all down in a new Exclusive Report called, “Concerned About Your Retirement?”

Learn about a canny “outside-the-box”...

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