Retirement Reimagined!

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No doubt about it ~

Moving abroad is a BIG step filled with lots of questions and uncertainties. To guide you on your journey, we have created these special tools designed to...

  • GIVE YOU confidence & answers.
  • SAVE YOU time & money.
  • HELP YOU live your best retirement!

Our Signature Programs

Maybe you are just beginning to explore the possibility of moving abroad. Or you have made the decision, but feel uncertain about what to do next to make it happen.

Either way we've got you covered.

Select the Retirement Reimagined! option that is right for you.

Intro Package

Are you…
  • Curious about moving abroad?
  • Dreaming of becoming a part-time expat?
  • Considering the digital nomad lifestyle?

Our Intro Package is the essential guide to begin your expat journey!


Take a Look >

Complete Master Course

This self-paced Course offers actionable tools and expert guidance for moving abroad!

Unlimited access to 5 Sections. 18 Modules. Over 30 Lessons. And personal Guidebook.

Plus, FREE copies of our best-selling books, other bonuses, and Exclusive Members-only Support.


Take a Look >

From one of our members...

“As an American exploring the option of retiring abroad, it became quickly clear I’d need a plan. I realized there was a lot I didn’t know. Edd & Cynthia’s Retirement Reimagined! program is a step-by-step guide that points you in the right direction.”

~ Ellen Zucker

Books ~ Mission: Rescue Your Retirement

Curious about Living Abroad?

Get an inside look at expat life in our best-selling trilogy of books, Mission: Rescue Your Retirement.

Adapted from Edd’s award-winning blog, each volume was an instant Amazon best-seller.

And collectively our trilogy hit #1 in 10 categories as diverse as personal finance, retirement planning, self-help, travel, and comedy!

Come along on our overseas journey from clueless to confident & laugh out loud at our hilarious adventures along the way!

Volume I

Leap of Faith

This compact first volume sets the stage for how this unforeseen and unforgettable new chapter of our lives begins, often hilariously capturing the madness that leads up to our departure for Ecuador.

Join us as we begin our Mission: Rescue Your Retirement!

Yes, I want this Book!

Volume II

Letting Go

Volume II recounts our first two years abroad as we stumble, bumble, and intensely party our way through the transition to expat life. What a crazy time! You’ll love reading about it.

Join us as we continue our Mission: Rescue Your Retirement!

Yes, I want this Book!

Volume III

Living the Dream

In Volume III we gradually get our bearings and settle down (not a minute too soon!!) into a richly textured world of health and happiness that has exceeded every expectation.

Join us as we complete our Mission: Rescue Your Retirement!

Yes, I want this Book!

Amazon reader review...

“Cynthia and Edd's books are the best I have come across that give you a realistic view with lots of information of what being an expat in retirement is all about. I recommend reading this three-volume series!” ~ Dee

Personalized Consultation Services

Need help figuring out your travel plans? Spending endless hours on the Internet and still can't find the answers to your personal situation?

Our affordable, custom consulting services could be the solution!

Client Testimonial...

 "I can't say enough about the service I received from Edd and Cynthia. They have an amazing skill to convey information in straight forward, firsthand  language. I feel much more comfortable because of the exchanges I've had with them, and know my transition to expat life will be made easier because of their good work on my behalf."

~ Dave Emon



Our fee is based on your individual needs.

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Briefly share with us the advice or information you're seeking. We'll get right back to you!

Special Reports

Accurate, up-to-date information on specific topics of interest about living your best retirement!

Concerned About Your Retirement?

Know youĀ haven't saved enough? Worried you will outlive your nest egg? Say goodbye to your biggest fears with this game-changing strategy!


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Part-time Expat ~ Is It Right for You?

Being an expat doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Enjoy the best of both worlds with the advice and tips in this comprehensive report.


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Retirement Challenges for Women

As a woman, it's much more difficult for you to achieve a comfortable retirement. Use these 10 simple action steps to improve your financial future.


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How To Move Out of the United States

Now is the perfect time to explore possibilities and start making plans. This overview includes the 4 essential steps to map out your journey.


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Why and How To Have a Second Passport

A second passport can provide important options and advantages. Requirements for some of the world's most desirable countries are included.


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