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Retirement: What a Wild Decade!

Cynthia:  I was lying in bed this morning thinking back to ten years ago. So much has happened since then!

Edd:  Let’s see. At that time we’re still in a desperate financial situation in Las Vegas. We’re preparing to move to Ecuador, and in the midst of that chaos you’re about to be diagnosed with breast cancer. What an ultra-stressful period! You’re right—we not only live in a different country now, it’s really like an entirely different life.

C:  Plus we had no grandchildren then, and now we have four! Most of our “exotic” travel has taken us to New Jersey and North Carolina. No regrets about that though. We just got back from spending a wonderful Christmas in both places and had so much fun, right? 

E:  For sure. Decorating two trees and going to the mall for Santa photos twice was a double treat! You know, Cynthia, we could have never predicted creating three best-selling Books and a successful online Program. Also, lowering our cost of living has put us in a much better place moneywise. How else would you say life has changed for us over the past decade?

C:  Well, as we shared in our most recent article for CNBC, living abroad has taught us how to be more resourceful. And we’re certainly far more relaxed than the hard-charging, Type A couple who got off the plane in Cuenca way back then.

E:  What about our health? Thank goodness your cancer scare seems to be behind us. We’ve been dedicated to our fitness, and overall I’d say we’re enjoying our golden years with better health than most people our age.

C:  It’s truly been a blessing the way things have turned out. Let’s face it, we had absolutely no idea what to expect, but once we made the decision to move overseas we knew there was no Plan B. So I remember we declared, “We’re doing this, and we’re going to make it work at the highest possible level.”

E:  I’m proud of everything we’ve accomplished, and I feel like we’re examples of what’s possible if you continue believing in yourself and never give up.

C:  Agreed, and I want to say something to our readers from my heart: If you’re concerned about your own retirement, please don’t throw up your hands and resign yourself to an unhappy future. Get busy, be creative, and look for outside-the-box solutions. Whether or not living abroad is a fit for you, know that there is an answer if you just keep looking. We hope our story inspires you.

E:  Well said, sweetheart. It’s a new decade. What do you think is in store for Edd & Cynthia?

C:  If our long life together—and especially the last decade—has taught us anything, it’s to be ready for surprises. Let’s make these next ten years the best ever. And we wish the same for all of you!


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