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Inspiration: How Do You Make Your Dreams Come True?

We were chatting with one of our daughter’s neighbors who we hadn’t seen in awhile.

She asked where we had been and where we were going next. When we told her she said, “Wow, I wish I was you. It must be great to have such freedom.”

We replied, “It is great. But we’ve had to give up a lot to do what we’re doing.”

Our answer surprised her. “Like what?” she asked.

We explained that after more than a decade living in a beautiful penthouse apartment in Ecuador, all our furnishings are now in storage there. While we keep some seasonal clothing at our kids’ homes, what we take from place to place are the contents of a roll-aboard and backpack each.

And as Edd told her, “You know that tonight you will be in your own bed in your own house. Well into the second year of this nomadic lifestyle, we realize that’s a luxury we hadn’t considered. It’s harder than you might think to constantly have to figure out the next place we’re going to sleep.”

Understand, we certainly weren’t complaining. Everything about what we’re doing is on purpose. Before we embarked on this adventure, we agreed that any inconveniences we experience are more than offset by the positives of getting to explore the planet full time.

The point we were making to her, and to you, is that getting what you truly want in life often requires sacrifice and may take an undefined amount of time.

Think of the years of intense training an elite athlete goes through to perform at the highest level of his or her sport.

The financial pressure, marital strain, and long hours of a budding entrepreneur trying to make a new business succeed.

The failed canvases before an artist finally paints a masterpiece.

Is there something you really want in your life? Gaining proficiency in a new skill? Becoming a published author or master gardener? Better health? Or like us, more freedom to travel?

The name of our blog, Imagine~Intend~Create, was carefully chosen, because we believe this describes the process through which everything comes into being. These three words represent the precise order of manifesting your desired experiences.

Imagine ~ In the fertile field of imagination everything begins as a thought, so envisioning what you want is always the first step. But if wishing upon a star or repeating some positive thinking mantra is the only energy channeled towards turning that thought into a “thing,” your desire is destined to remain an idle daydream.

Intend ~ Intention is the fuel that activates what you’ve imagined and propels it forward. Is this the same as willpower? Not exactly. Intention is purpose coupled with determination to bring something about; willpower is the ability to control your own thoughts and behavior in support of that intention.

Create ~ With an idea and intention firmly in place, the creation part to bring your desire to life often feels and looks like work. Here are two things we know from our own experience to keep in mind.

One, attaching a rigid time frame or very specific details to what you want to manifest can lead to frustration. Would you believe we began dreaming of chasing perfect weather around the globe over 30 years ago? Maintain awareness of subtle events and circumstances you weren’t expecting. The Universe may very well be seeking to guide you down a slightly different (and possibly better) path than you imagined.

Second, realize that, as our favorite Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” As you begin your personal journey towards your dream, there are many things you can do.

The most important question to answer is, “What will you do?” Today, and every day going forward. Commit to small, achievable steps, and over time these daily decisions, like compound interest, will build momentum and bring you closer to your desired outcome.

The freedom we enjoy today didn’t happen overnight. Like the athlete, the entrepreneur, and the artist, we’ve devoted countless hours and made many sacrifices simplifying our lives to end up where we are at this moment—living that dream we hatched so long ago.

Does it look exactly the way we first imagined? No, it does not. Have there been frequent missteps along the way? Sure, but guess what—it’s happening nonetheless.

What about you? Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Did you stop believing they were possible? Could you have given up too quickly? Whatever the case, we encourage you to revisit those dreams and hope our words inspire you to look at them through fresh eyes.

Next we travel to Medellín, Colombia, a place that has been on our list for years. Now seems like the right time to plan a visit. We know it’s a beautiful city, a great expat destination, and the temperate climate is just our cup of tea (or coffee?).

As we continue to live our dreams, know that we support you in living yours. If we can help you in any way, please reach out with your comments below or privately by sending a message on our Write Us page.


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