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Expat Life: This Magic Moment

Cynthia:  The comments we received about our last blog were really gratifying.

Edd:  I especially liked the email that said: “This one is spot on about the FEAR of the unknown for myself as well as I think many others.”

C:  I’m not sure most people actually think of it as fear. It’s possible they’ve convinced themselves they’ll take action when all the pieces fall into place.

E:  Ah, “This Magic Moment.” Classic song that was a hit for The Drifters and then Jay and the Americans.

C:  You and the pop music trivia. I’ll bet you remember the lyrics too.

E:  Of course I do.😏 There are two problems with that mindset. One is that it’s based on personal preconceived notions of what those pieces are that may or may not have any basis in reality. And the second is…

C:  The “magic moment” never arrives. So you remain stuck in limbo as time keeps ticking away.

E:  That’s the beginning of Newton’s First Law of Motion. A body at rest remains at rest until acted upon by a force.

C:  You’re just a fountain of randomness today, aren’t you? From a guy who doesn’t remember what day it is.

E:  Hey, I usually know the name. Like today is Sunday. The number? You’re right, not so much. But do you get the reference? People who are immobilized tend to stay that way.

C:  “Until acted upon by a force” implies something from the outside like an event. Which is exactly what happened to us in 2008 when our lives were turned upside down. But I believe the force can also come from the inside through a change in attitude or perspective.

E:  As in the realization, “Nothing’s going to change until I do.”? I totally agree. The second part of Newton’s First Law is equally meaningful. That a body in motion tends to remain in motion.

C:  That’s become a cornerstone of our life. We quit trying to figure out all the details long ago.

E:  Yep. We decide what we want to do, take the best first step we can think of, then start improvising. For example, I can’t wait to tell our followers about our next adventure. But beyond having the first flight and accommodations booked, we don’t yet have a clue what we’ll be doing.

C:  I’m certain the amount of freelancing we do would be terrifying to a lot of people. Taking our version of “improv theater” a step farther, we haven’t even begun to discuss where we’re going when that trip is over.

E:  Well, we’ve gotta sleep somewhere so we’ll come up with something fun and interesting. The point is taking that first step. No matter how small, just beginning to move forward toward your dream. A dream without action is only an idle daydream.

C:  And like you, or actually Newton, said, once you do that it’s easier to stay in motion and take the next step. And the next. Before you know it, you’ve gotten some momentum going.

E:  Waiting for that magic moment when the stars align, or until you have everything figured out, often ends up accomplishing nothing. The perfect scenario is highly unlikely to ever appear. Endless research and planning is a black hole that leads to “analysis paralysis.”

C:  The nomadic lifestyle we’ve chosen definitely isn’t for everyone. But I hope our example inspires and motivates others to push beyond whatever fears are holding them back, take that initial step, and put their dreams in motion.

E:  Why wait for that improbable "magic moment?” Get busy and make your own magic!


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