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Exploring Abroad: Day Trip to Progreso, Mexico

Progreso is a port town on the Yucatán Peninsula less than an hour’s drive from Mérida.

It’s claim to fame is boasting the world’s longest pier, stretching 4 miles into the Gulf of Mexico!

Since many locals own second homes in the area or visit the beaches there, we decided to take a day trip to check it out.

We hopped on an early morning bus from downtown. Our round-trip fare was so cheap (about US$2 each) we thought we misunderstood the lady who took our money!

Our excursion was on a Mexico election day, and the beach was almost deserted when we arrived.

The government wants voters to have a clear head so no alcohol was being served that day. No problema. We plopped down under a big thatched umbrella with lemonades to enjoy the scenery.

It was kind of sad to see vendors with so much merchandise and so few customers.

We ate scrumptious seafood at a restaurant a block away from the beach. (Insider tip: same food, cheaper prices) Ever seen a shrimp cocktail as big as Cynthia’s? 😲

The afternoon heat and humidity were getting intense. Before returning to Mérida we goofed around with some silly statues we discovered.

By mid-afternoon we were back in our air-conditioned room ready for a siesta. What an easy, fun, and inexpensive Sunday outing!


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